Need help with furniture?
Safetynet can assist you with good quality used furniture free of charge to those in need.
Available items include:
couches, tables (dining, coffee, bedside), chairs, drawers, lamps, mirrors, desks, bookshelves
new beds and frames
other items by special request, if available
*No cribs or car seats can be supplied by Safetynet as it is not insured to do this. However, we may be able to provide a contact for some individuals who do.
Furniture is provided free, and there is a delivery charge depending on size and distance. If you live in Halton, contact your OW or ODSP case worker, or call 311 to ask for furniture assistance.
Fees (for deliveries in Halton, to the curb)
$200, $300, or $400 (depending on number of items)
If you need the items delivered inside an apartment or downstairs in a house, add $50.
If you order only beds/mattresses, the delivery charge is $50.
Mississauga, Hamilton add $50 for extra distance.
Brampton, Etobicoke add $100 for extra distance.
Bed Information
Beds are sold separately. Full beds include mattress, box-spring, without a frame or headboard.
Bed pricing is as follows:
Full set (foam mattress, boxspring)
$260 single,
$310 extra long single,
$340 double,
$395 queen (we also offer a split queen box for small entrances, at $445 for the whole bed).
Foam mattress only
$195 single,
$220 extra long single,
$255 double,
$285 queen
Box-spring only
$75 single,
$95 extra long single,
$100 double,
$110 queen
Bedframe (one size fits all)
Bunkbed (includes mattresses). Top single, bottom single or double.
$760 (single/single)
$910 (single/double)
Bedbug/sanitary covers are available where it is deemed necessary for $27, $30, $32 respectively.
Next Steps
Once the method of payment is determined, you can go to this link to see what we currently have in stock. Email us at with the following to arrange delivery within one or two weeks:
Name, address, phone number, method of payment, social worker contact if you are not paying yourself, serial numbers from the link above, whether the delivery is to the curb or inside, days/times we can deliver (during the work week) and any other notes.
Extra costs if we deliver inside the home: add $50 to the delivery cost above (not to cost of purchased items like beds below). We do not deliver heavy items up and down stairs if it proves narrow or difficult.
You must be referred to Safetynet by any organization, or visit and become a client directly (providing proof of income or recent asylum), to be approved for delivery.
Our furniture program itemizes all donations and makes it easy for our families to select what they need.