Make a Monetary Donation

Thank you for supporting the children and families that Safetynet Children & Youth Charities assist. All donations will be used to support our programming and wrap-around services.

 PayPal or Credit Card

Etransfer, Cheque, Gift Cards

Interac etransfer (autodeposit, no password required)

Donate by etransfer to

In order to receive a charitable tax receipt put your email, name, and address in the notes (if your banking app allows that when you set up the deposit), otherwise please send us an email with the information around the same time as the deposit is made.


Please mail cheques to 166 South Service Rd East Oakville, ON L6J 2X5.

In order to receive a charitable tax receipt, please include your full name and mailing address.

Gift Cards:

You can help to support our Tutoring Program by donating grocery, big box, or Staples gift cards. These can be used to help supply snacks and supplies to students. You can drop gift cards off to the charity or mail to 166 South Service Rd East Oakville, ON L6J 2X5.